The photos below were captured during regional launches of the National Aquaculture Baseline Survey in Mbale, Gulu, Mbarara and Kajjansi Districts in April through May 2022 in Uganda. District Fisheries Officers (DFO’s) from target districts along with selected junior fisheries officers were trained on digital data collection using AquaMIS Application and were later commissioned to conduct actual data collection in their respective districts. The training was jointly facilitated by the Programme Manager-BSA and several senior staff from the Department of Aquaculture Management and Development (DAMD)-Directorate of Fisheries Resources. The Meetings were fully attended by Staff from the Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development (MoFPED), EU-Delegation and target district CAO’s, DPC, RPC, RDC’s and other political leaders in-charge of production to facilitate levelled understanding on the significance of the activities.